Online Sound Bowl & Chakra Unlock

Chakras are energetic vortexes or centers which have a singular vibrational frequency, through which the life force, or chi, is flowing. There are chakras on the hands, on the knees, and on different points of the body, however, the seven main chakras are energetically along the vertebral spine starting on the top of the head and ending at the bottom, on the coccyx area. They affect all your systems: biological, emotional, psychological, and spiritual. The areas of health and wellness, studies, career, money, family, relationships, are influenced by the way your energy is flowing through your energetic centers. When the chakras are blocked and out of balance, it is hard to be healthy, to manifest your visions, or achieve your goals. For example, when two towns are communicated by a bridge and the gate of the bridge is locked, so nobody can go in or out, as well as supplies, medicines, etc. Business cannot happen because the gate is locked. When the chakra system is blocked, that means you are not giving, nor receiving supplies (constructive energy) to keep your healthy and to manifest or to build your dreams and reach your goals.

About the Sound and Vibration

The sound is an antique and old way to harvest health and balance on people, animals and plants.

Scientific studies now have found that with vibration, sound, and reaching determinate frequencies, it is possible to control the function of the molecules. This means that sound and vibration can alter organisms at the cellular level by giving healing where illness was.

An experiment made by physicist Ernest Chladni with sand and soundwaves, revealed an outcome of the sand taking different shapes and forms. Another experiment made by Masaru Emoto, showed how the molecules of water change depending on the type of music that is played. Plants grow beautifully when they receive the sound of kind words. In this same way, the sound and frequency of the sound bowls transfer a positive, energetic, vibrational effect on your body; they enter your system, helping it to regulate themselves into balance, calmness, and allowing it to heal.

By applying determinate musical intervals from the frequency and vibration of Mantras and Singing Bowls, the chakras energy will be in alignment and balance.

Chakra Balancing & Sound Bowl Meditation – Live In-Person

Each Chakra has its own vibrational sound frequency. Reiki Master and Yoga Therapist Evelyns Gaiti, will activate that frequency with the Sound Bowls and meditative visualization.

  • During this encounter with the energy and the vibration you will work with the main Chakras.
  • Through the sessions you will learn how to manifest ideas and projects into the physical world by dissolving the blockages of the chakras.
  • You will unlock, align and balance the chakras receiving cellular healing from the harmonious resonance.
  • You will nourish yourself through a unique bioenergy rhythm produced by the sound bowls.
  • You will achieve relaxation and a calm state of mind and body by regulating the immune system which, as Dr Mitchell Gaynor says, “is the healer within us”.


– Service delivered to your studio.
Session time: 90 minutes approx. In Miami Area
Contact me by mail for details at

– Service delivered by Zoom.
Price: $147

About Evelyns Gaiti

Evelyns Gaiti has been working as a Developmental Therapist for more than 25 years and as a yoga instructor for more than nine years. She has been working with adults, children, and their families and during those years, has also been working as a support resource and a counselor. This wonderful work cultivated more and more of her compassion and vision of being a helper and a healer. She found herself being the listener, and the person which was holding space for the families’ emotional and psychological stress, being a guide and helping them to solve situations in a harmonic way. She learned that it is not enough to give care to just illness or functional issues, but that it is also important to support people at the emotional, psychological, and spiritual level, recognizing them as an integrative being. Those experiences did teach her about how childhood wounds can create a lack of flowing energy in all planes for the tomorrow adult, because of the fear and resentment that almost everybody faces. This creates energetic blocks that interrupts the natural development of a happy life. All those facts inspired Evelyns, bringing her toward exploring more holistic and complete approaches for healing and wellbeing. She became a Co-heart at the Sacred Center for Chakra Therapy, an E-RYT 200, RYT 500, a Clinical Yoga Therapist, certified in Sound Bowl Healing, Crystal therapy healing, and Reiki Master Natural Healing. She is the author of “Visualization Yoga Practice for Stress and Anxiety for Kids”. She has Mental Health Basic certifications, and Meditation and Mindfulness training. In addition to her 200 & 500-hour yoga certification, Evelyns has certifications on Restorative Yoga with Cindy Lee, trained in Sensory Impairment, and Applied Behavior Analysis.